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Microsoft System Center 端点 Protection (SCEP)


All Butte campus computers have the Microsoft System Center 端点 Protection (SCEP) Antivirus/Malware application installed.  This application allows for IT to provide timely updates for antivirus settings, and also allows us to proactively monitor virus and 恶意软件 activity across campus.


Every personally owned computer used on campus is required to have current operating system patches and antivirus protection. There are many free antivirus programs available for use--district technical support personnel cannot make recommendations on antivirus programs for use on personally owned devices.


The System Center 端点 Protection (SCEP) application for Windows has four main tabs.  The tabs are 首页, Update, History, and Settings.  We have determined predefined settings and only allow some settings to be defined by the user. If the setting is greyed out then this means the setting can not be changed by the user.

Your PC is protected if you see the following icon in your system tray: SCEP系统托盘图标

We are working hard to secure your computer so you don't have to worry about having up-to-date antivirus and system patches. You shouldn't have to do much in your Antivirus program as IT manages it for you as part of our 肥皂水项目.


在极少数情况下会检测到病毒, you will be presented with a window similar to the following. It is best to apply the recommended action.  If you are unsure what to do, please contact User 支持 Services for assistance at 895-2888.





Allows you to choose to run a Quick, Full, or 自定义扫描.

  • 快速扫描 – checks the areas that malicious software, 包括病毒, 间谍软件, and unwanted software are most likely to affect.
  • 全扫描 – checks all files on your hard disk and checks all running programs. Depending on your system this scan may take more than one hour.
  • 自定义扫描 – checks only the locations and files that you select.


  • If the 实时保护 is On or Off.
  • If the Virus and 间谍软件 definitions are Up to date.



  • 允许您手动更新定义
  • 显示如下:
    • 定义创建于:日期和时间
    • 最近更新的定义:日期和时间
    • Virus definitions version: Version Number
    • Spyware definition version: Version Number




  • 隔离产品 – Items that have been deemed as malicious software, virus, or 间谍软件.
  • 允许项目 – Items that you choose as acceptable files.
  • 所有检测到的项目 – Items that were detected on your computer.
  • 查看详细信息 – Shows more information about the items that have been quarantined and allowed items. You will need to click on this to view any of the items.



Allows you to set the following items where allowed:

  • 将扫描– Sets the time when a scan should be run on the computer.
    • 扫描类型 – Allows Quick, Full, or Customer scan be chosen.
    • -选择扫描运行的日期.
    • 周围 -扫描运行时间.
    • 每日快速扫描时间: – Allows you to set a time to run a quick scan.
    • Check for the latest virus and 间谍软件 definitions before running a scheduled scan – This option sets the ability to run a definitions update before running a scan.
    • Start the scheduled scan only when my PC is on but not in use – Setting for the scan to only run while your computer is on.  If the computer is in hibernation or sleep mode the scan will not run.
    • 限制扫描期间的CPU使用率为 – The sets the limit for the amount or percentage of Central Processing Unit used to run the scan.
  • 默认的行为 – Allows you to set a default action to take when System Center 端点 Protection finds a potential or known threat based on alert level. There are four threat levels, Severe, High, Medium, and Low. You are able to set whether SCEP will Remove, Quarantine, or Allow a threat for the level.
  • 实时保护 – This setting allows the user to turn on real time protection meaning the SCEP will run and protect the computer while in use.  This will allow you to check the options to scan downloads, 监视文件和程序活动, 启用行为监控, 并启用网络巡检系统.
  • 排除的文件和位置 – Allows a user to set certain file types and locations where the files are stored to be excluded from the scan. Some file types are already preset if you are using the managed client.
  • 排除的文件类型 – Allows you to set the specific file types that you would like to be excluded from the scan.
  • 排除过程 – Allows you to set the specific processes to exclude from the scan.
  • 先进的
    • 扫描存档文件 – Allows archive files to be included during the scan.
    • 扫描可移动驱动器 – Allows removable drives such as (usb or external HDD) to be scanned.
    • 创建系统还原点 – This option creates a restore point that can be used by SCEP to return to in case the items deleted or removed from the system cause an issue.
    • Allow all users to view the full History Results – Allows all the users of the computer to see the history results for that computer (We don't recommend to set this.)
  • Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS) – This setting allows you to control what information is sent to Microsoft about the current potentially unwanted software, 恶意软件, 和病毒.  The recommend setting is Basic membership and is the default setting for Managed client users.

E世博ESBALL | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
